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Wednesday 7 November 2018

One times it can seem like the blink of an eye and other times it can seem like a year or longer.  This past month has been some of both for the Evans family.  It's been one month since we landed back on the beautiful soil of our home in Zambia.  One month of relearning where we put things and reminding ourselves that we "stay left" when driving instead of "stay right" as we did when we were in the States.  One month of cleaning layers of dirt and debris and reminding the lizards, geckos, and spiders that we are back and they can go now (thanks for watching over everything while we were away).  One month since we said our final good-byes while in the same country as our first-born and took one more step of faith knowing that God has her in the palm of His mighty hand.  One month of trying to adjust to different prices as inflation is hitting Zambia hard.  One month of reconnecting with friends who are family this side of the ocean.  One month of celebrating God's faithful protection and care as Jaymeson continued to heal from having surgery in the States to remove her tonsils and Joel fell from a ladder to a play loft at a friend's house and came out with just a few bumps and bruises and a small fracture in his wrist.  (The cast comes off today!)  One month of learning what it now means to be just a family of five as we live, work, and learn together.  One month of starting back to school and work after being gone for over three months.  One month of worshipping the Lord Jesus each week with singing and dancing! 

One month of talking with friends electronically instead of face-to-face and wishing we could hug many of them through some real struggles that have come into their lives.  One month of working through the struggles of having a house with plumbing, but having no water.  One month of learning that the national power company has exchanged "load shedding" with "load management" (somedays they 'manage' a little longer than others). One month of watching God answer prayer needs before we even knew the need existed.  One month of tears as sisters are separated for the first time in their lives and they learn how to work through that aspect of life.  One month of creating new recipes, as some of the foods you knew and loved are no longer available.  (Maybe next week??)  One month of getting back into a routine after starting school late this year and trying like mad to catch up days where we can.  One month of watching friends pack up and leave Zambia as God is constantly moving in the lives of His people.  One month of crying with and praying with friends as they have "reentered" the USA changed inside and out...forever.  Praying God will provide them with people who will not try to give them advice, but will try to walk alongside them realizing that they can't just step back into this river of life, as they now have a new blended culture that makes them truly unique.  One month of grieving over friends and family who have passed on and celebrating with others over new and upcoming births!  One month of celebrations......Independence Day, graduations, weddings, births, moves to new ministries.....for our friends on both sides of the ocean.  One month of growing closer together as a family because of the struggles of going to the States and the readjustment back to life in Zambia after you return.  One month of health struggles for Jolene as October is the most difficult month for her autoimmune disorder.  One month of watching God remind you of things you prayed before you left and how he amazingly says, "I didn't forget...NOW is the right time for that." 

One month of praying when prayer is the only help you can offer someone.  One month of seeking what God has next as we work with and for Him daily.  One month of watching some of the worst corruption that we've seen exposed in our nation since our arrival over six years ago.   One month of watching a greater armed military and police presence than we saw before we left and helping our kids understand that God is the ultimate authority and He never changes or leaves us.  One month of hearing story after story of people letting people down and watching God redeem the situations for His glory!  One month of sweating and feeling every drop of moisture being sucked from your skin as the days near for the rainy season!  One month of praying for a nation that is suffering from the effects of man's greed.  One month of seeking God's answers to many questions that have come up regarding where He wants us to live and what we are to do each day for Him and His name to be glorified.  One month of hearing all about what we missed while we were away.  One month of trying to get sleep patterns back in place and still arrange to call people in the States even through time changes.  One month of watching Jesus show Himself through others who selflessly give of themselves, their cars, their house, etc. just so we'll have a meal, a car, or a shower when days get rough.   One month of watching God grow our marriage and family through new and unexpected challenges which He turned into joy.  One month of struggling through some health challenges with Josette and Jim and watching God provide with a friend and doctor who still makes house calls!  One month of learning new things from God's word and getting to share that with others.  (Remember, He never pours anything into us just to keep it to ourselves ---- we are poured into so we can pour out into the lives of others.) One month of counting it all joy when we face various trials.

 One month........what will the next month bring?  As we prepare for the rainy season in Zambia and the celebration of the birth of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, we look forward to each new day with great anticipation of what He is doing in the lives of our family, our ministry, and the world.  We don't always understand, but we strive to obey and go where He sends, whether it's to a house, a school, a meeting, or just a "chance encounter" with someone who just needs to know the truth of God's word, may we always be available and ready, willing, and able, to "be the feet".  "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news" Isaiah 52:7  God has been so real this past month; not that He hasn't always been real, but He has carried us through some tremendous trials over the past month and showed His love in new and unexpected ways.  We are so humbled and thankful for His great love, care, and provision, even when it's just a random "hey, I know this guy who can help with that need".  Nothing random about God!  We will praise Him in the good days and bad; how else can we share Him in "real time" in "real life" with those around us who truly need to see and experience the truth?  Until next time...... when another "one month" will pass. 

Here are some ways you can be praying with us:

            1) Please be in prayer about where God wants us to live.  We are having a lot of struggles with our current location and are seeking other options. 

            2) Please be in prayer for healing for our family as many have been injured or ill over the past month.

            3) Please be in prayer for the work we do daily with the kids and that any program developed or plan put in place will bring glory to God and bring each of them closer to the Lord Jesus and help them grow in their personal relationship with Him.

            4) Please be in prayer for Jeanna stateside and the other five of us here as we all adjust to this new life away from each other.  (So thankful when technology cooperates and we can see her face and chat.) (And you can wish her a happy 19th birthday on Thursday, 9 November.)

            5) Please be in prayer that we will continue to grow in our knowledge of God's word that we can help disciple those God brings into our lives so that the whole body of Christ will be healthy and growing day by day. 

**Daily struggles are Zambian culture, American culture, church culture that all need to bow to what the Bible teaches us as Christian culture.  God is still in the 'changing us all for His glory' business! 

Thank you for your continued prayer support -- you'll never know this side of heaven how much that means.  Please let us know how we can be praying for you!  We love you all and look forward to.....until we meet again.