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Saturday 13 May 2017

Mommy's Prayer for Mother's Day!

Mommy’s Prayer

God looks down from Heaven through the cobwebs of our home,

Watching all we do for Him and knowing when we roam.

Sometimes we see the fullness of our days and question, “Why?”

Other times through emptiness, we look up to the sky.

It’s then we ponder as we pray, “Lord, help me through this day.

These little ones are causing me to not know what to say.”

It’s then our Heavenly Father comforts with His love and care

As He says, “My child, look around” and I stop and simply stare.

I see the tiny fingerprints, the smudges and the mess,

Stacks of dirty laundry, and I find I must confess.

Lord, please forgive my narrow view that comes in through the day

When I see all this, let me remember to stop and simply pray.

“Let me praise You for these blessings and look on them in love

I know they are Your children and as You look down from above,

May I remember that they are not here to cause me grief and woe,

But they are here for Kingdom work; it’s to You that I must go.

As I pray for them this morning, may You be glorified

Through all we say and do this day, make their lives purified.

I want to train them to know You and trust You every day,

Help me to know each word to say to help them along the way.

May I point them to Your Word and through Your mighty power,

Please help me, Lord, and give me strength to get through every hour.

You are my God, You make no mistakes, Your will I want, not mine.

So, please, Dear Lord, help me to see the fruit upon the vine.

I give you all the mess and struggles of these early years

I pray I’ll seek You and find the joy, even through the tears.

Lead me on and give me hope and strength for each new day,

These little ones are Yours and I will help them know Your way.”

By Jolene Evans
11 October 2012