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Saturday 28 May 2016

Our No-Limit God

"Consider what I say, for the Lord will give you understanding in everything. "  2 Timothy 2:7

Today has been an amazing day. Not because great things were accomplished or we were able to check many things off of our'to-do' list, but because God showed us once again that His ways are perfect, His timing is always right, and He can do whatever He wants because He's God and we are not.

Teaching had always come naturally to me. For as long as I can remember, I have been able to take a concept and present it in a clear manner. Like some people enjoy athletic competition , a good workout, or a puzzle, I love to teach. I love the challenge of evaluating a student's strengths and weaknesses and creating lessons based on those. I love the thrill of witnessing that "lightbulb" moment when true learning takes place. Recently, though, I hit a wall of challenge in our homeschool.

Our oldest daughter is preparing to enter grade 11. While she used to be the one who wanted to delay her college start, she is now ready to be out of college, making a difference in the world. Evaluating and selecting a college is NOT my strength. A few months back when we started doing research on dual credit courses and college options, my head was spinning,  for you see, a homeschool mom has to be not only the teacher, but the guidance counselor, as well.

After months of prayer, God showed us today an option that filled us both with so much peace, we sat and cried tears of joy and relief for a long time. Not only did He show us a path, but He also used information on the university's website that answered many prayers we had been praying for our work here in Zambia.  It was an amazing time, and we couldn't wait to show Dad what God had shown us.

Jeremiah 32:27 says, "Am I not the God of all the peoples of the earth? Is anything to difficult for me?"  No -- NOTHING is too difficult for my God. We look forward to seeing how He's going to get her there and fill in all the gaps perfectly so He can be lifted high!

Wednesday 27 April 2016

          Jeanna will be joining me (Jolene) to keep our blog going more consistently.  Here is her first writing as we continue down the trail together of Our Zambia Journey...... 

I stir the pot of beans and reflect over the last several years of my life. So much has happened, so many new, exciting and challenging things. Getting to see my fist lion (up close and in person) and seeing Victoria Falls in all its wondrous glory stand out as some of the more amazing experiences. But there are the simple miracles that happen every day and no one even seems to notice.

            Like student interview time last year - on paper we wrote down every possible blanket, every bed, and every bedsheet we had available. And then there was the count of everyone who had come in. We had more coming than we even had space for, but somehow we had sheets and beds for everyone with just a few left over. Kind of like the five loaves and two fish, huh?!

            Or what about the day that we prepared a normal sized dinner for us and had an extra seven children from our village need to join us, and once again there was plenty left over - enough for another meal!

            God continues to show up all around us whether it is through the serene Zambian people's smiling faces or the gecko on my ceiling, or by working amazing miracles just because He can! Habakkuk 1:5 says, "Look around at the nations; and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn't believe even if someone told you about it." Yes - the things God does daily aren't always easy to understand. God doesn't always rain fire from heaven or speak with a mighty trumpet blast. But God is always with us, working through us, in us, to accomplish his will on the earth.

            So I put out the fire under the bean pot and put the lid on. I feel the wind blow through the kitchen, I hear tropical birds chattering, little kids laughing, and an ant races down the wall. Yes, as we say in Zambia - God is good, all the time, and that's his nature. Wow!

Thursday 14 April 2016

Whether they listen or not.....

"Moreover, He said to me, 'Son of man, take into your heart all My words which I will speak to you and listen closely. Go to the exiles, to the sons of your people, and speak to them, whether they listen or not, Thus says the Lord GOD.'"  Ezekiel 3:10-11

Some days our work in Zambia feels very much like this---'whether they listen or not---listen to my words; take them into your heart and then speak them', says the Lord God.  Although we are far from perfect, that is what we strive to do. Some days it's easier than others. He has chosen to place us here for His work now--we don't have the luxury of waiting.  Whether we are speaking to students in class, the garden, at Bible study, or anywhere in between, we will speak His truths. When He brings a neighbor to our door, we will speak His truths. When stopped walking down the road by someone in need, we will speak His truths.

God's word is filled with example after example of people who obeyed God, but there are also many, many examples of those who said no to Him. We choose to say yes, and to follow wherever He leads. Thank you to all our prayer warriors who daily lift us up to the Father asking for us to have strength to press on and His protection to carry on. We pray for you, also.

How about you? Will you choose Christ today? Even if it doesn't make sense and no one listens, will you speak His truths? We're praying for you to say yes.